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R.I.P. CIA Triad

R.I.P. CIA Triad


Is it Time to Retire the CIA Triad?

In the world of information security, the CIA Triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) has been the cornerstone principle, guiding organisations in their pursuit to safeguard their data. However, as the digital landscape has evolved, with its myriad complexities and nuances, there is a growing sentiment that this triad might need to be improved. Enter the Parkerian Hexad.

Devised by Donn B. Parker in the 1990s, the Parkerian Hexad augments the traditional three principles with an additional trio: Possession or Control, Authenticity, and Utility. This expansion aims to provide a more holistic framework for understanding and addressing the multifaceted security challenges of the 21st century. Let’s delve into the advantages of the Parkerian Hexad over its predecessor:

Comprehensive Coverage

The Hexad covers areas that the CIA Triad potentially overlooked. Adding Possession, Authenticity, and Utility broadens the scope of security considerations, ensuring that every potential vulnerability or threat vector is acknowledged and addressed. Where the CIA’s focus is on the concept of what information needs, the Hexad recognises how that information is vulnerable and needs protection. For instance, the Parkerian Hexad recognises that even if data is confidential and integral, it may become useless if it’s not available when needed (or if someone else has possession of it).

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

The Parkerian Hexad also aligns better with current compliance and regulatory requirements. As organisations strive to meet stringent data protection standards, such as in GDPR or ISO, the Hexad’s comprehensive coverage ensures that all aspects of security are adequately addressed. The CIA Triad, on the other hand, may not provide sufficient guidance for organisations to meet these evolving regulatory demands.

Real-Life Application

While the CIA Triad may be an effective theoretical concept, its implementation can be challenging in real-world scenarios. The Parkerian Hexad offers more practical guidance for implementing security controls and measures as it considers the broader context of information systems and their usage. With a better understanding of how data is used and accessed, organisations can tailor their security strategies to best fit their specific needs.

The Human Element

One crucial aspect of the Parkerian Hexad is its recognition of the human element in information security. Unlike the CIA Triad, which focuses primarily on technical solutions, the Hexad acknowledges that humans are often the weakest link in a company’s security posture. By including Possession and Authenticity, the Parkerian Hexad recognises the importance of considering human behaviour and motivations in securing information.

As technology continues to advance, and with cyberattacks becoming increasingly sophisticated, organisations must constantly assess their security strategies. While the CIA Triad has been a valuable framework for decades, it may be time for organisations to embrace the more comprehensive Parkerian Hexad as their guiding principle

Emphasis on Control

Possession or Control focuses on the idea of who has access to information. In today’s interconnected world where data can be accessed from multiple devices and locations, determining control over sensitive information can be challenging. By considering control as a core element of security, the Parkerian Hexad helps organisations better manage and monitor access to data, reducing the risk of unauthorised access or theft.

Emphasis on Data

Sitting between Confidentiality and Integrity, the principle of ‘Possession or Control’ shines a light on the significance of owning and effectively controlling data. In an era of cloud computing and distributed systems, mere possession isn’t enough; having decisive control over where data resides and who can access it becomes paramount. Without this, data is at risk of being compromised or manipulated. By including this principle in the Hexad, organisations can ensure that their data remains secure and protected against unauthorised access.

Ensuring Data Authenticity

Linking Integrity and Availability, ‘Authenticity’, accentuates the importance of verifying the genuineness of data. As cyber-attacks become sophisticated, it’s no longer just about protecting data but ensuring it hasn’t been tampered with. This principle underlines the necessity for robust authentication mechanisms and validation processes.

Acknowledging Data Relevance

Finally, connecting Availability and Confidentiality, the principle of ‘Utility’ recognises that data must be useful and relevant to its intended purpose. It’s not enough for data to be available; it must be in a usable format, free from encryption or other barriers that may render it useless.

Adaptable to Modern Challenges

The Parkerian Hexad provides a versatile framework that is adaptable to the unique challenges presented by contemporary technologies. Be it IoT, blockchain, or AI, Hexad’s comprehensive nature ensures that evolving security concerns are always within its view. With the increasing amount of data being generated and shared globally, having a robust security framework that can accommodate these challenges is vital.

The Parkerian Hexad offers a more comprehensive and adaptable approach to information security, making it a valuable tool for organisations in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. By acknowledging the complexities and nuances of modern technology and incorporating principles such as Possession or Control, Authenticity, and Utility, the Hexad provides a strong foundation for organisations to build their security strategies upon. As we continue to rely more and more on technology in our daily lives, the Parkerian Hexad will play a crucial role in ensuring the protection and integrity of our data. So, it’s safe to say that the Hexad is not just an improvement over the CIA Triad, but a necessary evolution in our approach to information security. So, rather than relying solely on the traditional CIA Triad for protection, organisations must now adopt the Hexad as their guiding principle for securing their data and systems. And with its emphasis on control, data relevance, and authenticity, the Parkerian Hexad will continue to be relevant in the ever-changing landscape of information security. After all, in today’s digital world, it’s not a question of if a cyberattack will happen, but when. And with the Parkerian Hexad as our foundation, we can be better prepared to defend against these inevitable threats.

Promotion of Proactive Thinking

By expanding upon the original triad, the Hexad encourages security professionals to think proactively to anticipate threats before they manifest. This forward-thinking approach is indispensable in today’s fast-paced digital environment, where threats evolve at a breakneck pace. Incorporating principles such as Possession or Control and Authenticity into security strategies can help organisations stay ahead of the game by taking a more proactive stance towards securing their data.


While it isn’t yet time to put it to rest, the CIA Triad laid a solid foundation for information security principles and remains the core today. However, the Parkerian Hexad elevates this framework to new heights, ensuring that modern enterprises are better equipped to face the ever-evolving cyber challenges of our times. In today’s interconnected world, where data is the lifeblood of organisations, understanding and implementing the Hexad’s principles is essential for maintaining a strong security posture. So, while the CIA Triad was undoubtedly a great start, it’s time for organisations to embrace the Parkerian Hexad as their guiding principle for securing their valuable information assets. Only then can we truly achieve a robust and comprehensive approach to information security. As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, it is imperative that we adapt our security strategies accordingly, and the Parkerian Hexad provides us with the perfect framework to do just that.








Show me the nothing you clicked on

Show me the nothing you clicked on

Stop Phishing and Credential Harvesting in its tracks


In today’s digital landscape, the importance of trust and safeguarding confidential information cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, phishing and credential harvesting attacks exploit this vulnerability with alarming success. Despite comprehensive security awareness training, people still tend to trust seemingly legitimate links in emails, making them the weakest link in cybersecurity. To fortify defenses against these threats, businesses must rely on effective software tools, such as Trustifi Inbound Shield, to ensure the safety of their sensitive data.

Understanding Phishing and Credential Harvesting:

Phishing and credential harvesting represent two prevalent forms of cybercrime. Phishing occurs when malicious actors pose as trustworthy entities, seeking access to personal information or accounts. On the other hand, credential harvesting involves the use of malicious software or links to extract valuable data like usernames, passwords, and credit card details. Both techniques rely on human interaction, such as clicking on links, images, or downloading files, and can have severe consequences if successful.

The Cost of a Successful Attack:

In the business world, a successful cyber attack can have dual ramifications. The financial costs of repairing the damage caused by an attack can be substantial, but the impact on a company’s reputation can be even more catastrophic. In 2022 alone, several high-profile organizations fell victim to breaches, resulting in the exposure of sensitive client information. As we move into 2023, these incidents are expected to rise. CERTNZ reported 3,410 cases of such attacks in New Zealand during Q1-Q3 2022, with many more incidents likely going unreported. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s increased interest in privacy breaches, with a 41% surge in serious harm threshold incidents, underscores the gravity of the situation.

Introducing Trustifi Inbound Shield:

Even with comprehensive cybersecurity training, some employees may still fall prey to phishing attacks. Outdated technologies like legacy systems and secure email gateways often struggle to effectively block sophisticated malicious emails and social engineering attempts. Therefore, organizations of all sizes must invest in a first line of defense to ensure optimal protection.

Trustifi Inbound Shield, powered by award-winning AI technology, offers an exceptional solution, outperforming traditional email protection by a staggering 93%. Designed for businesses of all sizes, its simplicity and effectiveness make it a valuable asset.

How Trustifi Inbound Shield Works:

Leveraging cutting-edge machine learning and AI advancements, Trustifi Inbound Shield accurately identifies and blocks phishing emails before they infiltrate your inbox. By scanning incoming emails for suspicious content and malicious attachments, it promptly alerts users and prevents them from opening potentially harmful messages, thereby safeguarding their data.

Moreover, Trustifi Inbound Shield actively monitors for any signs of credential harvesting attempts and quickly identifies fake domains or malicious links that lead to malware-infested websites. Its advanced filtering capabilities effectively eliminate unwanted emails, including spam and phishing attempts, ensuring that only legitimate communication reaches your inbox.

Seamless Integration and Peace of Mind:

Trustifi Inbound Shield is a cloud-based solution, requiring no complex setup or architecture changes. It seamlessly integrates with existing mail servers and email clients, facilitating easy installation and maintenance. Rest assured that your emails are protected without any concerns about missing important messages. The deployment process is swift, taking mere minutes instead of days.

Proven Results:

Our clients have witnessed firsthand how Trustifi’s advanced security solution safeguards their data and prevents significant harm to their businesses. For instance, a large financial institution managed to reduce phishing emails reaching their users by more than 85%. Similarly, another customer experienced an immediate decrease in malicious URLs by over 95% upon implementing Trustifi Inbound Shield. This enables businesses to shift their focus from the constant challenge of mitigating advanced email threats to driving their growth and success.


In an increasingly perilous digital landscape, where trust can be shattered in seconds, protecting confidential information is paramount. As a cybersecurity consultant, you understand the importance of combatting phishing and credential harvesting attacks. By leveraging Trustifi Inbound Shield, businesses can bolster their email security and fortify their defenses against these insidious threats.

Don’t let human vulnerability be the weak link in your cybersecurity chain. With Trustifi Inbound Shield’s AI-powered precision, suspicious emails and malicious attachments are swiftly detected and blocked, preventing potential data breaches. The solution’s proactive monitoring capabilities and advanced filtering ensure that only legitimate communications reach your inbox, significantly reducing the risk of falling victim to phishing attempts.

Trustifi’s proven track record is underscored by impressive results achieved by clients. Imagine your organization reducing phishing emails by over 85% or witnessing a significant decrease in malicious URLs by over 95%. These tangible outcomes provide peace of mind and enable businesses to focus on growth, confident that their valuable data is protected.

Embrace Trustifi Inbound Shield as your first line of defense, empowering your organization with an agile and effective solution. With its seamless integration, easy setup, and quick deployment, you can swiftly elevate your email security without disrupting your existing infrastructure.

Remember, trust is precious and hard-won. Safeguarding confidential information is an ongoing mission, and Trustifi Inbound Shield equips you with the tools to protect what matters most. Strengthen your email security, reinforce your defense, and stay one step ahead of cyber threats. Trust in Trustifi Inbound Shield to keep your business safe and secure in the face of evolving cybersecurity challenges.

Unveiling the Differences Between Cybersecurity Assessments and Audits

Unveiling the Differences Between Cybersecurity Assessments and Audits

“We don’t know what we don’t know”

One of the services that I am frequently asked to conduct is a cybersecurity audit, to which I ask a series of questions, including:

  1. do you have a risk assessment and treatment plan against cyber threats?
  2. do you have cybersecurity policies and procedures?
  3. do you have a business continuity and disaster recovery plan?
  4. do you have a list of your assets or an asset register?
  5. do you have a security awareness program?

If any of the above raises concerns, a cybersecurity assessment is an essential first step to ensure your organisation maintains digital security. An audit may not be required in this instance. An assessment would be beneficial when your organisation has no Information Security Management structure, whereas an audit would be suitable for a fully mature cybersecurity programme.

What is the difference between a cybersecurity assessment and an audit?

As technology continues to revolutionize our lives, the importance of cybersecurity has become increasingly essential. Organizations have started adopting measures to ensure their data is secure and protected from malicious actors. This includes conducting assessments and audits to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats in their information systems. But what is the difference between a cybersecurity assessment and an audit?

Cybersecurity assessments, also known as gap analysis, focus on identifying existing vulnerabilities within an organization’s infrastructure or system. This kind of evaluation involves testing technology, business and human processes to ascertain if they are resilient enough to withstand cyberattacks. The goal of this type of assessment is to identify potential threats and provide recommendations to improve the organization’s security posture.

On the other hand, a cybersecurity audit is more in-depth as it examines how an organization is currently managing its assets. A comprehensive audit should cover factors such as system architecture, access control, authentication practices, data encryption standards, patch management processes, and network security. It should also include a review of the risk analysis and treatment programs along with the business impact analysis, continuity and disaster recovery plans. An examination of policies and procedures and security awareness training should be included. An audit aims to provide an independent review of the organization’s cybersecurity practices and assess whether they are in line with industry standards, regulatory requirements, and best practices. With this practice, you can experience the same reliability as if having an outside expert review your financial standings.

Providing potential clients with reliable cybersecurity advice can be challenging when they lack awareness of the necessary best practices. Unfortunately, this is often due to misinformation regarding assessment and audit frameworks that give a false sense of protection without adhering to comprehensive safety standards. It’s important for companies seeking auditing services to recognize what an assessment and audit entail, as well as understand the scope of associated timeframes and costs – otherwise, their cybersecurity will remain vulnerable.

How to Select the Right Cybersecurity Assessment and Audit Provider

Once you have familiarized yourself with the differences between a cybersecurity assessment and an audit, it’s time to select the right provider for your organization. Do some research online to find providers that specialize in providing these services and read testimonials from their past clients. To ensure the best possible outcome, enlisting an unbiased third-party professional to conduct a fact-based report is your best bet. Don’t leave it up to chance – make sure you have all the right answers!

Your internal IT team or service provider may be experts in their chosen field, however, there are often external elements that must be considered for the best cybersecurity program. From compliance with government legislation and regulation to human resources considerations, your organization can benefit from control over a wide range of factors impacting strategic objectives.

Please check our resources page for guidelines and a checklist to help you determine whether you need an assessment or an audit. Knowing which of these your business requires can save you time and money and provide you with the right information to make informed decisions.

Looking for a Cyber Security Risk Assessment or Audit?

Tom Hartley is a certified ISO 27001 Cybersecurity Lead Auditor, Lead Implementor, and Internal Auditor. He is also an ISO 22301 Business Continuity Lead Implementor.

GOVERN performs independent cybersecurity assessments, audits, and implementation services and has a track record of helping businesses implement the right cybersecurity solutions. We provide comprehensive and impartial assessments to organizations in need of a thorough look at their digital security operations, either as part of an internal audit or before making a risky investment. This helps guarantee that your organization is compliant with global standards and regulations, reducing the chances of a cyberattack.


The New Zealand Privacy Act takes centre stage in 2023

The New Zealand Privacy Act takes centre stage in 2023


The New Zealand Privacy Act takes centre stage in 2023

The New Zealand Privacy Act of 2020 is an key piece of legislation that all businesses have a responsibility to take seriously in order to better protect customer and business information from data theft or misuse.

The increased frequency of highly publicised data breaches over the past 12 months has brought the importance of the Act into sharper focus for 2023 and solidified cybersecurity as a necessary consideration for all businesses, big and small.

Under the Act, several key principles must be abided by when collecting and using personal information. These include :

1. Ensuring appropriate security safeguards are taken

2. Only using personal information for its intended purpose

3. Informing individuals about how their personal information will be handled

4. Being open and transparent with customers about how their information is collected and used.

The New Zealand Privacy Commissioner is committed to helping businesses, and individuals understand their rights and responsibilities under the Act and providing them with all the necessary information to do so. To assist organisations comply with these laws, they have created a suite of supporting resources, such as training materials and guidance documents, that offer help at both the management, and employee level. Through this support, businesses can better protect themselves from data breaches and other threats to their customer information.

The importance of the legislation and its impact on incidents were evident in two recent cases, the Mercury IT and Archives NZ breaches. In both instances a hacker was able to gain confidential customer data and then proceed to use it for fraudulent activity – all due to the organisations inadequate security measures. These two examples (of which there are many more) should serve as a warning to all.

This year promises to be a difficult one for businesses, but with the right steps taken, it is possible for those operating in New Zealand to comply with the New Zealand Privacy Act of 2020 – ultimately meaning better protection of customer data and less risk of data loss or misuse.

Here’s what you can do:

Create a Privacy Policy

To protect your business, creating a comprehensive and up-to-date privacy policy is essential.

Many businesses may be unsure how to do this, so here are some tips:

  1. Understand Your Obligations – Take the time to read through the New Zealand Privacy Act of 2020 in detail and make sure you understand what it requires you to do. Check the supporting material on their website, to help explain any grey areas or questions.
  2. Establish a Process – You should set up an internal process for handling customer information and data, with clear rules about who has access and how it is used. This process should be regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains compliant with the Act.
  3. Regularly Audit Your System – It’s important to review your systems regularly to identify any vulnerabilities that could lead to a breach of privacy or data loss. Check for things such as a lack of encryption, weak passwords, or outdated security software that could put customer data at risk.
  4. Update Your Policy – Whenever there are changes to the New Zealand Privacy Act of 2020, or if you make changes to your own internal processes, you should update your privacy policy as soon as possible. This will ensure that customers are kept up-to-date on how their data is being used and protected.

Employee Training

Time and again we see the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain to be employees.

Upskilling your staff on how to be cyber-safe is an imperative action in order to protect your business.

Start this process by :

  1. Setting Clear Guidelines – Make sure your employees receive training on their obligations under the Privacy Act and are aware of their roles in protecting customer data. Ensure that any guidelines you set out are clear and easy to understand so everyone knows what’s expected of them. The New Zealand Privacy Commissioner has a short training program of 30 minutes or less on their website that offers a digital certificate that businesses can save as proof to the Commissioner of compliance should there be a breach.
  2. Provide Resources – Ensure that employees have the resources they need to stay up-to-date on changes in data protection laws around the world and other relevant regulations. This can include access to specific training materials such as videos or e-learning programs, as well as providing in-person seminars with experts. Ensure your staff is also aware of the Australian Privacy Act or the GDPR if you work with or store data overseas.

The Australian Privacy Act

Changes to the Australian Privacy Act, which took place late last year, have a dual impact on New Zealand.

First, New Zealand Businesses doing business in Australia will fall under the country’s penalties for data breaches. As such Bellgully advises that, “New Zealand business entities doing business in Australia should take note of the coming changes.”

Secondly, the New Zealand legislation for data sovereignty will undergo similar changes to strengthen our responsibilities. If a New Zealand business is providing services to an Australian customer, they will have to abide by the same regulations as if they were in Australia. It is important that businesses understand these changes and take appropriate measures to ensure compliance.

As part of the new changes, there is also a requirement for organisations only to store personal information in Australia unless it is absolutely necessary to store it overseas. This ensures that the country’s data sovereignty remains in place and that user information is kept safe and secure. The Australian Privacy Act has also strengthened its enforcement powers, allowing for greater financial penalties for organisations in breach of the Act. It is important that businesses understand their obligations and ensure they are compliant with the new rules. The Privacy Act also includes provisions for individuals to complain about privacy breaches and for organisations to be held accountable for any such breaches. This strongly incentivises companies to reinforce their data security policies and practices.

Overall, these changes represent an important shift in how we protect the privacy of Australians and New Zealanders alike. The changes to the Australian Privacy Act are a positive step forward in ensuring our data remains secure and protected. It is essential that businesses understand their responsibilities under this new legislation and take the necessary steps to ensure compliance. This will protect customers’ personal information and give organisations peace of mind.

In addition, businesses must also remain aware of the changing landscape of privacy regulations in other countries they may be doing business with or providing services to. This includes understanding European GDPR legislation, which provides even stricter data sovereignty and user privacy rules.


In conclusion, businesses need to be vigilant in protecting their customers’ data.

The laws for data protection are constantly changing, so business owners must stay up-to-date on the most recent changes and take steps to ensure that their employees receive training and have access to resources on data privacy regulations. Taking these measures will help protect customer information and keep businesses compliant.

If you need assistance navigating this legislation, or cybersecurity policies in general, contact us today.

What is SASE? Exploring the basics of SASE

What is SASE? Exploring the basics of SASE

What is SASE? Exploring the Basics of Secure Access Services Edge Technology

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a revolutionary new technology that promises to provide secure, unobstructed access securely to cloud-hosted applications. As businesses embrace digital transformation and the move from on-premise infrastructure to more flexible, cloud-based solutions, it’s increasingly important for them to have secure access protocols in place without sacrificing performance or scalability. SASE can help organisations protect their data with enhanced security measures while accelerating workflow capabilities and enabling faster time to market for initiatives. SASE combines secure access and edge services such as zero-trust network access (ZTNA), cloud access security brokers (CASB), firewalls, threat intelligence, encryption, identity and access management (IAM), data loss prevention (DLP) and more. This helps organisations protect their data from potential threats while providing users with faster, more secure access to applications, services, and data. Additionally, SASE can provide granular user-level policies that are tailored to an organisation’s specific needs. This helps ensure that only authorised personnel can access sensitive information and prevents unauthorised users from accessing the system.

What are the benefits of SASE for New Zealand businesses?

SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) was developed to support the dynamic and increasingly complex demands on businesses for secure access solutions to applications, data, and assets stored in hybrid multi-cloud environments. In New Zealand, SASE provides businesses with a high level of protection from malicious threats and also enables efficient capabilities when remote workers need access to online services. These features enable organisations to avoid large upfront investment costs associated with network security solutions as well as ongoing maintenance. Additionally, SASE makes it easier for companies to leverage highly secure networks while ensuring their private information remains safe – making it a decisive competitive advantage over the competition. SASE is also well-suited to organisations in New Zealand that need to comply with stringent national and international regulatory requirements, as SASE’s features are designed to help meet the most rigorous security standards. In addition, SASE gives businesses the freedom of choice when it comes to their network infrastructure – allowing them to mix and match different SASE components to create the perfect SASE solution for their unique needs. SASE is also a more cost-effective and efficient way to meet modern cybersecurity needs, providing businesses with increased agility and scalability when changing security requirements arise. With SASE, New Zealand companies can have confidence that their data is secure – protecting them from potential cyber threats while ensuring seamless access for their end users. By investing in SASE, New Zealand businesses can benefit from enhanced security and improved efficiency, allowing them to focus on growing their business rather than worrying about potential threats.

How does SASE work, and how can it be used to protect your online security

SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) is a cloud-native reliable network security system established to protect users from cyber threats and malicious activity online. It encompasses both traditional security services like cloud firewalls, which identify and block incoming traffic from external threats, as well as more advanced components such as Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), which verifies user identity each time they access the network, thereby eliminating the need for a private network or VPN. With SASE deployed in an organisation, communication between users and the company’s cloud service is secured using encryption techniques, allowing for data privacy and ensuring data integrity throughout its entire journey. This enhanced security also makes cloud applications easier to use by offering secure remote access to applications and data on multiple devices. By providing secure access to resources no matter where they are being hosted while enforcing identity validation and eliminating the need for additional hardware or software installations, SASE provides organisations with peace of mind when it comes to their company networks’ security.

Why did SASE gain so much popularity in the last 12 months?

SASE has exploded in popularity over the last 12 months due to its ability to converge network and security functions into a single platform. SASE simplifies the delivery of secure enterprise access from any remote user or device from anywhere without compromising performance. SASE also enables customers and organisations to quickly adapt to changing business needs with greater agility and scalability. SASE replaces traditional architectures by combining multiple point products into one integrated solution that delivers secure connectivity for all users regardless of their location or device. With SASE, organisations can gain better visibility into user activities, enhanced threat protection, improved compliance posture, reduced complexity, faster time to value, and lower total cost of ownership. SASE is quickly becoming the go-to architecture for organisations looking to securely connect users, applications, data, and services from anywhere in the world. SASE is expected to revolutionise the way organisations secure their networks and digital assets.

Additionally, SASE has gained popularity due to its ability to transform IT infrastructures from static silos into an agile and flexible model that can adapt rapidly to new business requirements. SASE enables organisations to quickly move applications and services out of legacy architectures and into cloud environments for increased scalability and agility. SASE also provides a secure “zero trust” environment where access is granted only after rigorous authentication processes have been completed. This means organisations can always be sure users are properly authenticated before allowing them access to sensitive data or systems. SASE also utilises advanced analytics capabilities, such as machine learning, which makes it easier for organisations to detect threats or malicious activities that might otherwise be missed.

What are the different types of SASE technology available on the market today?

SASE technology has become increasingly popular due to its ability to provide a secure and efficient network that can integrate multiple services such as cloud security, SD-WAN, content delivery networks, and more, creating a secure software-defined perimeter. Today, businesses have a variety of SASE solutions available to them – from cloud-native services with on-premise support, to hardware-based devices that provide more control over deployment. Additionally, multi-tenancy options are becoming increasingly popular as they allow for better scalability and shared hosting costs amongst different organisations. Businesses now have the unique opportunity to select a solution tailored to their specific needs, making SASE an invaluable resource in the digital world. SASE solutions can be used to reduce the complexity of security, while also improving performance, reliability, visibility and control of access to cloud environments. SASE technology is available in a variety of form factors, including on-premises, cloud-based, and hybrid deployments:

On-Premises SASE Technology

On-premises SASE technology is deployed within a company network and provides a secure connection to the internet and other external resources. On-premises SASE technology is typically more expensive than other types of SASE technology, but it can provide a higher level of security and performance.

Cloud-Based SASE Technology

Cloud-based SASE technology is deployed within a cloud provider’s network security services and provides a secure connection to the internet and other external resources. Cloud-based SASE technology is typically less expensive than on-premises SASE technology, but it can be less secure and may have lower performance and increased bandwidth and latency.

Hybrid SASE Technology

Hybrid SASE technology combines on-premises and cloud-based deployments to provide a secure sd-wan connection to the internet and other external resources. Hybrid SASE technology can provide a balance of security, performance, and cost.

SASE technology is a powerful tool that provides businesses with greater control over their networks and allows them to quickly and securely share data, applications, and services with customers, partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders. SASE solutions also provide advanced analytics capabilities, which allow for more detailed insights into network usage patterns in order to identify suspicious activity or potential threats. Overall, SASE technology offers an unparalleled level of protection for businesses operating in today’s digital landscape.

In short, SASE is quickly becoming the go-to architecture for organisations looking to securely connect users, applications, data, and services from anywhere in the world. With SASE, organisations gain improved security posture, better visibility into user activities, enhanced security and compliance requirements and reduced complexity while achieving lower total cost of ownership. SASE is expected to revolutionise the way organisations secure their networks and digital assets moving forward.

What is the best SASE solution for your organisation?

When choosing a SASE solution, there are several determining factors to consider:

1. Company Size

One of the primary factors to consider when choosing a complete SASE solution is company size. The needs of a small business are going to be different than the needs of a large enterprise, so it’s important to choose a solution that is scaled appropriately. For example, a small business may not need as robust of security features as a large enterprise, so they may be able to get by with a less expensive solution.

2. Industry

Another factor to consider is industry. Certain industries have compliance requirements that must be met, and there are SASE solutions that are specifically designed for these industries. For example, the healthcare industry has strict data privacy requirements, so a SASE solution for a healthcare company would need to include features that meet these requirements.

3. Budget

Budget is also an important consideration when choosing a SASE solution. There are many different price points for SASE solutions, so it’s important to find one that fits within your budget. It’s also important to keep in mind that the most expensive solution isn’t necessarily the best solution for your needs – sometimes, a less expensive solution will suffice.

4. Security Needs

Of course, one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a SASE solution are security and networking needs. What level of security do you require? What type of data are you looking to protect? There are many different security features available in SASE solutions, so it’s important to find one that has the features you need. Taking a zero trust approach is the perfect start towards a comprehensive sase architecture.

5. Ease of Use

Last but not least, you should also consider ease of use when choosing a SASE solution. Some solutions can be complex and difficult to use, while others are much simpler and user-friendly. It’s important to find a solution that strikes the right balance for your needs – one that is easy enough to use without sacrificing too much in terms of functionality or security.

To ensure your needs are met and that you get the most out of your investment, seek an offering with features such as comprehensive data encryption for secure remote working environments or AI automation tools for optimising performance. Additionally, price should not be overlooked; take some time to research what’s included in various pricing models so that you can make informed decisions about which SASE is right for you. Ultimately, the right SASE depends on your unique situation and goals, but by taking these factors into account in advance of making a selection, you can be sure to select a good fit for your organisation.

The future of SASE and its potential impact on the way we do business online

The adoption of secure access service edge (SASE) solutions has immense potential to revolutionise the way we do business online in New Zealand. SASE is a cloud-delivered solution consisting of network security capabilities, including firewalls and zero-trust networking, unified under a single platform. This platform provides comprehensive protection that scales with dynamic environments while integrating traditional security measures on-premises and in the cloud. As businesses are increasingly moving data and resources to the cloud, SASE can provide an extra layer of security against various threats such as malware, advanced persistent threats, and phishing attacks. If deployed correctly, companies will be able to operate more securely online without worrying about data theft or breaches. The implementation of SASE Security will serve as a cornerstone for New Zealand’s digital transformation journey by providing invaluable tools and resources that are essential for success in the modern world. The future of SASE has the potential to revolutionise the way we do business online in New Zealand. SASE can help organisations secure their digital assets and networks while reducing IT overhead costs and improving user experience. Unlike traditional approaches, which suffered from complexity stemming from multiple vendors, the SASE model is a converged solution combining multiple security functions such as firewalls, SD-WAN connectivity, encrypted traffic management and Zero Trust Network Access into one holistic approach. This will enable companies to eliminate costly point products while streamlining security processes and policies. By providing an easy mechanism to harden an organisation’s access points, SASE could potentially have a direct effect on industry compliance requirements such as data sovereignty and privacy regulations, making us more competitive overall in an increasingly digital economy.


SASE is a powerful tool that can help businesses secure their data and applications in the cloud while simultaneously increasing performance and scalability. As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, it’s more important than ever to have a robust security protocol in place. SASE can be that protocol, but researching the right solution for your organisation can be complex. SASE solutions come in many forms, and it’s important to understand the differences between each variant before making a decision. SASE can help businesses create an agile and secure network through unified security, SaaS applications, cloud networking, zero-trust access control, identity management, CASB integration, and more. As SASE evolves over time with new offerings and capabilities, businesses can expect improved network performance that is tailored to their exact needs. With SASE in place, organisations will have greater control over their data and applications while also enjoying enhanced scalability and streamlined operations for maximum efficiency.